Price in other currencies
- Euro: 140
- GBP: 120
- USD: 150
Shipping will be added to the price. In addition you will have to pay import duty (20-25% depending on country).
Want to build your own drawbar MIDI controller? This is the perfect kit with 9 organ drawbars, MIDI out and pedal inputs for swell (expression pedal) and rotary speed (sustain pedal) and plenty of analogue and digital inputs for potentiometers and switches. The kit is pre-assembled and ready to use. Just make an enclosure and and add switches and potentiometers (sold separately). The electronics are based on Arduino (Atmel 328P chip) and can be coded via Arduino IDE via the ISP pins. The kit can also be delivered pre-coded to work with either Nord Stage, Acoustic Samples B-5, GSI VB3 or Hammond BX-3 for no extra costs. The Arduino code is also provided so you can make adjustments yourself if you add knobs/switches later.
- 9 drawbars (10k linear potentiometers)
- 2 pedal inputs (one digital, on/off for rotary speed control and one analogue input for 10k volume/expression pedal)
- 5 pin MIDI out socket
- 9 v power input (for 9V 1A DC power adaptor, center positive)
- 19 digital inputs for on/off switches (2 pin XH connectors for GND and signal)
- 11 analogue inputs for potentiometers (3 pin XH connectors for 5V GND and signal)
- 8 pin HX connector for connecting extra analogue multiplexer (for example to add extra set of drawbars and more potentiometers)
- 1 HX connector for extra GND
- 1 HX connector for red LED power indicator light
- 1 HX connector for power switch
- Width: 155 mm
- Length: 130 mm (from front to back)
- Height: 45 mm
These are the dimensions of the board excluding the drawbars and should be the inner dimensions of the box).
If you would like to order or have any questions, just send me a message and I will reply as quickly as I can.
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